Tryouts and Evaluations


  • Athletes should arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of their scheduled evaluation to begin the check-in process. Some schools may not have large waiting areas outside the gym, so athletes should be dressed appropriately for the weather.
  • Every athlete should bring:
    • A basketball
    • Basketball/indoor athletic shoes
    • A water bottle
    • A reversible/white and black shirts.
  • There should be no parent spectators in the gyms during evaluations. Some locations will have other areas of the school where parents can wait, but some will not.
  • Those who have registered for the Academy program should still come to evaluations even if they have no interest in the Nike High Performance program, so that we can properly sort you by skill level into the appropriate teams
  • Those that are only registered for the Nike High Performance evaluations are not guaranteed a spot in the program. Should you not make the High Performance team, we will attempt to find you a spot in the program elsewhere. If we are full, we will have to let kids go.
  • If you are registered for both, or just Academy, you are guaranteed a spot on a team.

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