Age categories - What age group should I sign up for?

    • U9 - (Born 2016 and later)
    • 11U - (Born 2015)
    • 11U (Born 2014)
    • 12U (Born 2013)
    • 13U (Born 2012)
    • 14U (Born 2011)
    • 15U (Born 2010)
    • High School (players currently in Grade 10,11 or12)

Why am I paying the full fees before evaluation?

We provide the option to pay fees up front to guarantee a spot in our program. Paying the full fees does NOT guarantee a spot in the High Performance program, but does guarantee a spot in our Academy program.

If you do not want to pay the full fees up front, we offer the option to pay an evaluation fee for our High Performance teams, and if an athlete does not evaluate to a High Performance team after paying the fee, they will still be offered a spot on an Academy team, if one is available.

What is the difference between an Academy and High Performance team?

Our High Performance program is designed for athletes looking to take their game to the next level, and prepare them for University/College basketball. The following chart outlines the differences:


High Performance


2-3 practices/week

2 practices/week

Up to 30 games (13U-18U)

Up to 20 games (11U)

12+ games 

FIBA Level 3 curriculum

FIBA Level 3 curriculum

Nike gear package* 

Basic Nike gear package (hoodie/backpack).*

League Play

League Play

Two additional in-town tournaments

One additional tournament

One additional out of city tournament

Participate in either*:

1x Skills session/week


1x Strength and Conditioning session/week

*with the ability to add on the other offering

One additional out of country tournament 

(13U-18U only)

Exhibition games

Participate in either*:

1x Skills session/week


1x Strength and Conditioning session/week

*with the ability to add on the other offering


Exhibition games


*Gear packages are not finalized, and are subject to change. Any items changed will be replaced with an item of like value. All athletes will have the option to purchase additional gear in our online store.

What are your fees, and why does the program cost what it does?

Our base fees for all of our programs (except for U9/U11) are $1600. These costs ensure that every athlete in our program is able to participate in at least two practices a week, enroll in league play, participate in additional tournament(s) and pay our coaches. 

Will there be a cash call for my team?

A cash call is expected for all High Performance teams, as travel outside of the province/country is an expectation for these teams. Budget will be developed with the Excel staff and parent group. Expect around $2000-2500. 

A cash call for an Academy team will only happen if parents/athletes express a desire for more games, and the coach can support the extra workload.

How does your subsidy program work? - program sponsor, Kidsport Partnership, flexibility

We utilise a variety of mechanisms to help financially support those who cannot afford our fees. We are partnered with KidSport, and can help families with registration for the program to help alleviate fees. Additionally, we have many generous program sponsors, including many of you, who are willing to donate additional funds to help more kids to be able to play basketball. We also work with families directly to reduce fees when there is additional need.

Where will my practices be?

We are largely based out of SW Calgary, as are most of our families. As such, the majority of our practices are held within that quadrant of the city. We do utilise gym time elsewhere in the city as needed. The major exception is within the U9/U11 program, where we offer specific programming for different locations in the city.

Spring Teams Program Refund Policy 

50% Refunds before April 1, 2025. Withdrawal MUST be received in writing.

No Refunds will be given after April 1, 2025.

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